
Auratherapy is a gentle method of energetic rebalancing of the chakras and auras which, for different reasons (stress, shock, operation, change in life circumstances, etc.) can become blocked or lose their vitality and harmony. This approach is also used to remove unwanted negative energies which have been unconciously integrated into one’s own energy body. These conditions can cause great energy loss and leave us with mental or physical fatigue, unexplained pain, self-esteem problems and other negative mental states. Auratherapy is a precise method that offers a simple and immediate way to regain one’s potential by rebalancing and restoring the auras and the full circulation of the vital energy body.


Reiki is a method of energetic harmonization that restores the balance of the whole being, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. This technique is based on the laying on of hands and the transmission of energy from the practitioner to the client who is lying down fully clothed on a massage table.

A Reiki session can strengthen and accelerate the natural healing process, revitalize the body and mind, restore balance and psychic harmony and well-being of the soul or dissolve blockages. It relieves tension and promotes total relaxation, according to the person’s needs. Reiki acts both in the presence of the client or at a distance and can be applied to animals, plants and places as well.

Life Coaching

Nothing imprisons you except your thoughts
Nothing limits you except your fears
Nothing controls you except your beliefs

Life coaching is a dynamic that allows the client to:

  • connect with their life mission and soul’s contract
  • activate will and intent
  • optimize potential, creativity and full expression
  • develop self-confidence and self-esteem

As a life coach I am your guide, clarifying with you your intent for the journey, helping you confront fears and eliminate stress along the way and finding solutions to problems and difficulties that hinder your personal growth and the actualisation/ realisation of your dreams or goals.


Magnetism is a “gift” that every human being possesses but does not necessarily master in a conscious way. It is a natural capacity that is more present in some than in others and a healing technique that allows us to transmit universal energy to rebalance and realign the whole system.

Like Reiki, magnetism can be given to animals, plants, environments/places and at a distance.

Creative Kinesiology

The body retains memories from our conception onwards: anxieties, fears, pains and other stresses can be engraved in the cells of our body, our energy systems, our muscles and especially in our unconscious. As a result we can feel blocked on our path.

Through muscle testing we can question the body in order to identify the present and past blockages at any level of our Being: emotional, mental, physical and energetic/spiritual. And through muscle testing we find important clues that help us to track the cause of the imbalances and correct them with whatever remedy is suggested (Bach Flower remedies, Irish plant remedies, a particular practice (for example earthing or working with a particular guide or teacher) are just some examples.

Medicine Wheel (Shamanic) Teachings

Being in balance and exchange with the cycles of the Earth and the forces of nature is vital for our inner harmony, well-being and growth.

How can we connect more meaningfully and dynamically with the rhythms and cycles of Grandmother Earth, with Her lunar cycles, the richness of the seasons, the elements and the whole of Life that surrounds us. How can we open up to receive the precious gifts that the worlds of Grandmother Earth offer us as guides, teachers or through her natural beauty and resources?

The Medicine Wheel is like a sacred circle around which we travel during our lives. It contains the principles of a remarkable system of personal development, which leads the initiated person to reconnect to his environment and to find a balance on all levels, whether in the material or spiritual field. For the Amerindian tradition, the Medicine Wheel is the very symbol of existence and the sacred hoop of life.